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Playliste zur Sendung No front

Neuheiten, der letzte Rest unserer Platte des Monats und natürlich Konzerte, Konzerte, Konzerte...
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Samavayo Prevarication nation Vatan (2018)
Samavayo Vatan Vatan (2018)
Groza Unified in void Unified In Void (2018)
Groza Ouroboros Unified In Void (2018)
Slugdge War squids Esoteric Malacology (2018)
Slugdge Crop killer Esoteric Malacology (2018)
Stilla En närvaro av da Synviljor (2018)
Stilla Den kusligaste av gäster Synviljor (2018)
Praying Angel War of gods The Judgement (2018)
Praying Angel Kirkebrann The Judgement (2018)
Praying Angel To the judge The Judgement (2018)
Hate Squad Reborn from ashes Reborn From Ashes (2019)
Hate Squad Reataliation promise Reborn From Ashes (2019)
Kadinja Veronique Super 90 (2019)
Kadinja Muted rain Super 90 (2019)
A Pale Horse Named Death When the world becomes undone When The World Becomes Undone (2019)
A Pale Horse Named Death Dreams of the end When The World Becomes Undone (2019)
John Garcia Space vato John Garcia And The Band Of Gold (2019)
John Garcia Popcorn (hot me when you can John Garcia And The Band Of Gold (2019)
John Garcia Don't even think about it John Garcia And The Band Of Gold (2019)
Dirge Sarracenia Lost Empyrean (2018) Platte des Monats
Lewsberg Chances Lewsberg (2018) Konzerte
Alarmsignal Fertig Attaque (2018) Konzerte
Insanity Alert The body of the christ is the parasite 666-Pack (2018) Konzerte
Melting Palms Illusion Melting Palms (2018) Konzerte
The Vibrators Stiff little fingers Pure Mania (1977) Konzerte
Monster Magnet I'am god Mindfucker (2018) Konzerte
Schlaraffenlandung Erde aus Mittezwanzig (2017) Konzerte
Aversions Crown The breeding process Single (2018) Konzerte
Psycroptic Directive As The Kingdom Drowns (2018) Konzerte
Hadal Maw Affluenza Olm (2018) Konzerte
Within Destruction False revelation Deathwish (2018) Konzerte
Hollow World Systematic refinement Exanimate (2017) Konzerte
Jucifer It can't be helped District Of Dystopia (2014) Konzerte
Aeon Sable Follow the light Aether (2018) Konzerte
Zombie Raindance Feindkontakt Zonbie 1Mal1 (2017) Konzerte
(Hed) P.E. Liv Forever (2016) Konzerte
The Leechmen Johnny Single (2016) Konzerte
AnnenMayKantereit Nur wegen dir Schlagschatten (2018) Konzerte
Where Eternity Ends Hypocrisy Split w. Fear The Silence (2017)
Our Last Oath Revival Revival EP (2018) Konzerte
Embrace The Eclipse Swarm EP (2018) Konzerte
Hawelka Der Taucher Liebe oder Hass (2018) Konzerte
Bulletrail Path of least resistance Path Of Last Resistance (2016) Konzerte
Maratonga Through the day Worth Fighting For (2018) Konzerte
Walter Subject Just dance Just Dance Like Nobody's Watching (2017) Konzerte
Mirror Of Deception At my shore The Estuary (2018) Konzerte
Helmut Cool Brauner Kommerz Schlachtrufe BRD GmbH (2017) Konzerte
UK Subs Rockers Another kind of blues (1979) Konzerte
Haut & Court Hyenes Troffea (2015) Konzerte