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Playliste zur Sendung No front

Live aus dem Homeoffice: Neuvorstellungen, Platte des Monats und Live-Konzerte aus der Konserve
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Black Dahlia Murder Apex Unhallowed (2005)
Black Dahlia Murder Removal of the oaken Stake Verminous
Black Dahlia Murder The Werteworm's Feast Verminous
Light Dweller 13:12 Hominal
Light Dweller Isolation devalorize Hominal
Auroch Hideous new Gods Stolen angelic Tongues
Auroch Carving the Axis Mundi Stolen angelic Tongues
Temple Of Void A Beast among us The World that was
Temple Of Void Self-Schism The World that was
Solothus The Gallow's Promise Realm of Ash and Blood
Solothus A Rain of Ash Realm of Ash and Blood
Live Burial The Crypt of slumbering Madness Unending Futility
Live Burial Cemetery Fog Unending Futility
Cemetery Filth Pyrolytic Scourge Dominion
Cemetery Filth Dominion Dominion
The Hirsch Effekt Kollaps Kollaps
The Hirsch Effekt Agera Kollaps
A Perfect Circle 3 Libras Mer De Noms - Live
A Perfect Circle Sleepinjg Beauty Mer De Noms - Live
A Perfect Circle Over Mer De Noms - Live
Korn Blind Live & Rare
Korn Falling away from me Live & Rare
Korn Right now Live & Rare
Korn Freak on a Leash Live & Rare
Korn My Gift to you Live & Rare