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Neuheiten und die Platte des Monats
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Darkthrone Quintessence Panzerfaust
Darkthrone Howling primitive Colonies It beckons us all
Darkthrone Black Dawn Affiliation It beckons us all
Darkthrone The lone Pines of the lost Planet It beckons us all
Kerry King Residue From Hell I rise
Kerry King Crucifixation From Hell I rise
Kerry King Shrapnel From Hell I rise
Then Comes Silence Feel the Cold Trickery
Then Comes Silence Blind Eye Trickery
Then Comes Silence Ghost House Trickery
Tomorrow's Rain Roads Ovdan
Tomorrow's Rain Muaka Ovdan
Tomorrow's Rain Convalescence Ovdan
Unearthly Rites The Master's Tools Ecdysis
Unearthly Rites Sacrifice Zones Ecdysis
Unearthly Rites Doomed Ecdysis
SETYØURSAILS Bad Blood (feat. Adrian Estrella) Bad Blood
SETYØURSAILS Bad Company Bad Blood
SETYØURSAILS Eternally Bad Blood
Corpus Diavolis His Wine be Death Elixiria Ekstasis (Platte des Monats)
Corpus Diavolis Key to luciferian Joy Elixiria Ekstasis (Platte des Monats)
This Ending Crowned in Blood Crowned in Blood
This Ending Will of Iron Crowned in Blood
This Ending Lord, Master, King and Emperor - All in one Crowned in Blood
Folterkammer Die Unterwerfung Weibermacht
Folterkammer Küss mir die Füsse! Weibermacht
Folterkammer Algolagnia Weibermacht