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NoFront Playlist vom 14.08.2017 von 21.00 - 23.00 Uhr
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
GleraKur Strings The Mountains are beautiful now
Wormwitch Even the Sun will die Strike mortal Soil
Wormwitch ...And smote his Ruin upon the Mountainside Strike mortal Soil
The Lurking Fear Winged Death Out of the voiceless Grave
The Lurking Fear Beneath menacing Sands Out of the voiceless Grave
Ellende Ballade auf den Tod Todbringer
Ellende Verehrung Todbringer
Tchornobog Hallucinatory black Breath of Possession (Mountain-Eye Amalgamation) Tchornobog (Platte des Monats)
Perfume Genius Slip away No Shape (2017) (Konzerttipps)
The Pretty Reckless Take me down Who you selling for (2016) (Konzerttipps)
Pignon Home Holy Shit EP (2016) (Konzerttipps)
Tune Circus Rock'n'Roll Baby The Sound of breaking Waves (2015) (Konzerttipps)
The Recalls In my Mind Wait for the Sun (2014) (Konzerttipps)
Trivium The Sin and the Sentence Single (2017) (Konzerttipps)
Bury Tomorrow The Burden Earthbound (2016) (Konzerttipps)
August Burns Red Invisible Enemy Phantom Anthem (2017) (Konzerttipps)
Oceans Ate Alaska Escapist Hikari (2017) (Konzerttipps)
Mort Mort Mort Le Chant Des Sirenes Le Chant Des Sirenes 7" (2014) (Konzerttipps)
Neska Lagun Mensch Schon/Erst EP (2016) (Konzerttipps)
Error 37 I just got critical, so let's get physical Demo (2013) (Konzerttipps)
Error 37 If iwere aDinosaur I'd be s Gallimimus, those Kids are fucking Nuts! Demo (2013) (Konzerttipps)