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Playliste zur Sendung No front

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Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Alice In Chains Frogs Alice In Chains (1995)
Alice In Chains Drone Rainier Fog
Alice In Chains All i am Rainier Fog
Dreadful Fate Altar of Cruelty Vengeance
Dreadful Fate Witches Hammer Vengeance
Mind Reaper Purity of Wrath Mirror Construction - A Disordered World
Mind Reaper Torch's Fall Mirror Construction - A Disordered World
Nekrokraft Rotten Husk Servants
Nekrokraft Plague Servants
Baest Danse Macabre Danse Macabre
Baest Ego te absolvo Danse Macabre
Ovate Illhug Ovate
Ovate Inst i tanken Ovate
The Konsortium Arv Rogaland
The Konsortium Havet Rogaland
Our Place Of Worship Is Silence Labyrinth Disorientation With Inexorable Suffering
Our Place Of Worship Is Silence Lawlessness will abound With Inexorable Suffering
Imperial Triumphant Swarming Opulence Vile Luxury (Platte des Monats)
Imperial Triumphant Lower World Vile Luxury (Platte des Monats)
Bechamel Mucho Mucho EP (2018) (Konzerttipps)
Buschläufer Die Attacke Menschheit Kopfgespenst (2017) (Konzerttipps)
Alias Caylon Crossed out Where there be no Land (2018) (Konzerttipps)
Arterials Blood or Water Constructive Summer (2018) (Konzerttipps)
Ago Trees Demo (2015) (Konzerttipps)
Pierre Omer's Swing Revue I saw Ghosts 7" Vinyl Single (2017) (Konzerttipps)
Harm's Way Become a Machine Posthuman (2018) (Konzerttipps)
Sanction Sixhundredthirtyone The Infingement of God's Plan (2017) (Konzerttipps)
Renounced My last dying Wish Theories of Despair (2016) (Konzerttipps)
Mars Red Sky Alien Grounds / Apex III Apex III (2016) (Konzerttipps)
JFR Moon Kenkeesy Moony (2017) (Konzerttipps)