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Playliste zur Sendung No front

Neuheiten, erst Entdecktes und die Platte des Monats
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Cattle Decapitation Alone at the Landmill Karma bloody Karma (2006)
Cattle Decapitation Vulturous Death Atlas
Cattle Decapitation Time's cruel Curtain Death Atlas
Profetus Nostalgia The Sadness Of Time Passing
Profetus Momentary Burial The Sadness Of Time Passing
Strigoi Carved into Skin Abandon all Faith
Strigoi Abandon all Faith Abandon all Faith
Avatarium Great Beyond The Fire I Long For
Avatarium Epitaph of Heroes The Fire I Long For
Bald Anders Das achte Haus Spiel
Bald Anders Pestulon Spiel
Deathtrip Demon Solar Totem Demon Solar Totem
Deathtrip Awaiting a new Maker Demon Solar Totem
Raised Fist Into this World Anthems
Raised Fist Oblivious Anthems
Raised Fist Unsinkable II Anthems
Schammasch A Paradigm of Beauty Hearts of no Light (Platte des Monats)
Schammasch Katabasis Hearts of no Light (Platte des Monats)
Peter And The Test Tube Babies Crap californian Punk Band The Shallot (2017) (Konzerttipps)
Milking The Goat Machine Metal Liker From Slum to Slam - The Udder Story (2019) (Konzerttipps)
Circus Of Fools Watch me Rex (2018) (Konzerttipps)
Sick Of Society Punkitalismus Perlen vor die Säue (2017) (Konzerttipps)
Death By Dissonance Faded Glory Epitaph (2019) (Konzerttipps)
GAFFA Dieses Land Machs gut (2019) (Konzerttipps)
Unredd Reaction Alphablood (2018) (Konzerttipps)
MadEra Wie im Wahn Single (2019) (Konzerttipps)
Canine Fight Tune (2019) (Konzerttipps)
LGBlack Berlin LGBlack (2019) (Konzerttipps)
Ahab Like red Foam The Boats of the Glen Carrig (2015) (Konzerttipps)
Phileas Fogg Leistung Kopf unten (2019) (Konzerttipps)
Ohne Kompass Ikarus Nie erreicht (2019) (Konzerttipps)
Debauchery Gorezilla Blood for the Blood God Compilation (2019) (Konzerttipps)
Karies Win win Karies 12" (2016) (Konzerttipps)