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Playliste zur Sendung No front

U.a. musikalische Neuheiten und Platte des Monats
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Thulcandra In the Realm of thousand Deaths Fallen Angels Dominion
Thulcandra Night Eternal Fallen Angels Dominion
Thulcandra In the Eye of Heaven Hail the Abyss
Thulcandra Acheronian Cult Hail the Abyss
Thulcandra The final Closure Hail the Abyss
Lacrimas Profundere A Cloak woven of Stars How to shroud yourself with Night
Lacrimas Profundere The Curtain of white Silence How to shroud yourself with Night
Lacrimas Profundere Unseen How to shroud yourself with Night
Devildriver I have no Pity Dealing with Demons Vol. II
Devildriver Through the Depths Dealing with Demons Vol. II
Devildriver This Relationship, broken Dealing with Demons Vol. II
Craving Call of the Sirens Call of the Sirens
Craving Death March Call of the Sirens
Craving Star by Star Call of the Sirens
Legion Of The Damned Poison Chalice Poison Chalice
Legion Of The Damned Beheading of the Godhead Poison Chalice
Jaaw Reality Crash Supercluster
Jaaw Total protonic Reversal Supercluster
Jaaw Bring home the Motherlode, Barry Supercluster
The Ocean Preboreal Holocene (Platte des Monats)
The Ocean Boreal Holocene (Platte des Monats)
The Ocean Sea of Reeds Holocene (Platte des Monats)
Necrofier Total southern Darkness Burning Shadows in the southern Night
Necrofier Forbidden Light of the Black Moon Burning Shadows in the southern Night
Necrofier Burnt by the sacred Flame Burning Shadows in the southern Night
As Everything Unfolds Ultraviolet Ultraviolet
As Everything Unfolds Slow down Ultraviolet
As Everything Unfolds Daylight Ultraviolet
Cultura Tres Time is up Camino de Brujos
Cultura Tres Signs Camino de Brujos
Cultura Tres The Land Camino de Brujos