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Playliste zur Sendung No front

Neuheiten und Platte des Monats
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Baroness Rays on Pinion Red Album
Baroness Last Word Stone
Baroness Shine Stone
Baroness Magnolia Stone
Dopelord Night of the Witch Songs for Satan
Dopelord One Billion Skulls Songs for Satan
Dopelord Evil Spells Songs for Satan
Graveyard I follow you 6
Graveyard Breathe in breathe out 6
Graveyard Just a Drop 6
Final Gasp Homebound Mourning Moon
Final Gasp Unnatural Law Mourning Moon
Final Gasp The Vanishing Mourning Moon
Bio-Cancer 44 Days in Hell Revengeance
Bio-Cancer Dream Merchants Revengeance
Bio-Cancer Underdogs (against the Odds) Revengeance
Nervosa Seed of Death Jailbreak
Nervosa Gates to the Fall Jailbreak
Nervosa Elements of Sin Jailbreak
Code Orange Grooming my Replacement The Above
Code Orange Snapshot The Above
Code Orange Circle through The Above
Salacious Gods Devotion Oalevluuk
Salacious Gods Honor him Oalevluuk
Salacious Gods Oalevluuk Oalevluuk
Terra Builder End of Orbit Solar Temple
Terra Builder Abyss Solar Temple
Terra Builder Solar Temple Solar Temple